Configure Multiple Git Accounts on a Single Computer

Configure Multiple Git Accounts on a Single Computer

Learn how to use configuration files to configure git to use different git accounts and configuration variables for different repositories

Sometimes we need to work with multiple repositories or groups of repositories that use different git accounts on the same computer. Here, a git account refers to an account created on online version control system (VCS) platforms, such as Github, Bitbucket, Gitlab, etc. One way to accomplish this is to change the account information used by git whenever we switch repositories. But, keep changing this information is a tedious and error-prone task. We want to configure git such that, whenever we change repositories, it automatically picks up the correct information. Let's see how to do that...


In this article, we will consider the following scenario:

We have 3 git accounts (Steps to get SSH User and Hostname are given below):

  1. First Account

     # Account 1
     Name = John Doe
     Email =
     GitLab Username = @johndoe.codeready
     SSH User = git
     SSH Hostname =
  2. Second Account

     # Account 2
     Name = Jack Smith
     Email =
     Github Username = jack-codeready
     SSH User = git
     SSH Hostname =
  3. Third Account (Default Account)

     # Account 3
     Name = John Doe
     Email =
     Github Username = john-codeready
     SSH User = git
     SSH Hostname =

To get the value of SSH User and Hostname for any account, do the following:

  1. Login to the account.

  2. Go to any repository (Create one if there is no repository).

  3. Click on the Code button for the GitHub repository or the Clone button for the GitLab repository.

  4. Select SSH as the clone method.

  5. Copy the SSH URL. It will be in the format of {User}@{Hostname}:{Organization}/{Repository Name} .

  6. And you have the value of SSH User and Hostname for that account.

The following screenshot is taken from Github. Here, SSH User is git and Hostname is

Image showing SSH User and Hostname for a github repository

The following screenshot is taken from GitLab. Here, SSH User is git and Hostname is

Image showing SSH User and Hostname for a GitLab repository

In most cases, the SSH User will be git, but it is better to follow the steps to get both the User and the Hostname.

We have 2 directories Projects and Development in home(~) directory.

Our goal is that for any repository inside Projects directory git should use Account1 and for any repository inside Development git should use Account2. For all other repositories, which are not in any of these directories, it should use Account3.

We want to use SSH for authentication and authorization and want to sign the commits using the correct GPG keys.

git-config FILES

By default, git reads configuration options from some pre-defined files. One of them is ~/.gitconfig. In this file, we can define some configuration options and can include other configuration files. These files contain information related to the git username, email, GPG sign key, etc. GPG keys are used to sign the commits while committing changes to any branch.

Git uses another file which is ~/.ssh/config to make an SSH connection to GitHub (or any other online VCS platform) to authorize the current user. This is used while cloning the repository, pulling/fetching changes from the online repository, pushing changes to the online repository, or any other git operations that include communication with GitHub.

Creating config files

Create a common / default config file

Create a file .gitconfig in the home directory. Update the ~/.gitconfig file with the following content:

# ~/.gitconfig
######### Common and Default Configuration for Git #########

# Congiguration for default user (Account 3, in this scenario)
# to be used by git
    # Personal name of the git user
    name = John Doe

    # Email Address of the git user
    email =

    # Signing key to sign the commits by this user
    # For now, it is empty
    # Later, we will generate it and will update this file
    signingKey = 

# Configuration related to Commits
    # Since, gpgsign = true, git will always sign the commits
    # Otherwise, whenever we want to sign the commits, we need
    # to use "-S" flag while commiting. Ex - 
    # git commit -S -m "Commit Message"
    # And, often we forget to include this flag and that leads
    # to a lot of extra work
    gpgsign = true

# This condition check if the current git directory
# is inside "~/Projects/" path
[includeIf "gitdir:~/Projects/"]
    # In that case, we also use the configurations specified
    # in "~/.gitconfig.projects" file.
    # In "~/.gitconfig.projects" file, we can add new config values
    # or can updated the existing config values
    path = ~/.gitconfig.projects

[includeIf "gitdir:~/Development/"]
    path = ~/.gitconfig.development

In the above file:

  • We have specified the name, email, and signing key for the default user.

  • We have specified that we want every commit to be signed.

  • We instructed git to read configurations from ~/.gitconfig.projects also if the current repository is inside ~/Projects directory.

  • We instructed git to read configurations from ~/.gitconfig.development also if the current repository is inside ~/Development directory.

Create config files for different accounts

Let's create 2 files (~/.gitconfig.projects and ~/.gitconfig.development ) for Account1 and Account2, respectively.

# ~/.gitconfig.projects
######### Configuration for Account1 #########

# Congiguration for Account1 to be used by git when we are inside
# "~/Projects/" repository
    # Personal name of the git user
    name = John Doe

    # Email Address of the git user
    email =

    # Signing key to sign the commits by this user
    # For now, it is empty
    # Later, we will generate it and will update this file
    signingKey =
# ~/.gitconfig.development
######### Configuration for Account2 #########

# Congiguration for Account2 to be used by git when we are inside
# "~/Development/" repository
    # Personal name of the git user
    name = Jack Smith

    # Email Address of the git user
    email =

    # Signing key to sign the commits by this user
    # For now, it is empty
    # Later, we will generate it and will update this file
    signingKey =

For all 3 accounts, we will generate signing keys later.

Create SSH config file

Create a file config inside ~/.ssh/ directory, if it is not there. And put the following content there:

# SSH Configuration for Account1
# John Doe's GitLab Account
Host account1
    User    git
    IdentityFile # Location of identity file for account1 (will update later)
    AddKeysToAgent yes

# SSH Configuration for Account2
# Jack Smith's GitHub Account
Host account2
    User    git
    IdentityFile # Location of identity file for account2 (will update later)
    AddKeysToAgent yes

# SSH Configuration for Account3 (Default Account)
# John Doe's GitHub Account
Host account3
    User    git
    IdentityFile # Location of identity file for account3 (will update later)
    AddKeysToAgent yes

We are almost done with the configuration files. We need to generate SSH keys and GPG keys for each account and need to update the config files. Let's do that now.

Generate and Configure SSH Keys

For each account, follow these steps to generate, upload and use the SSH Keys.

Generate SSH Keys

Generate SSH Key using the following steps:

  1. Open Terminal (Mac/Linux) or Git Bash (Windows).

  2. Run the following command with the correct email address:

     ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""
  3. If you are asked to enter the file name to save the key, use a different filename for each account (You can include GitHub/GitLab username in the filename to make them unique for each account). In the following code snippet, I am using /c/Users/himan/.ssh/id_ed25519_johndoe.codeready as the filename for Account 1. Here johndoe.codeready is the GitLab username of Account 1.

     Generating public/private ed25519 key pair.
     Enter file in which to save the key (/c/Users/himan/.ssh/id_ed25519): /c/Users/himan/.ssh/id_ed25519_johndoe.codeready
  1. When asked, enter a passphrase for the ssh key. (You will be asked to enter the same passphrase twice). You must remember the passphrase.

  2. If we look at the files inside ~/.ssh directory, we see 2 files for one ssh key - One without any extension and one with .pub extension.

    The file without any extension is Private Key and the file with the extension .pub is Public Key. Don't share your Private Key with anyone. We will upload the Public Key to GitHub or GitLab.

Upload Public SSH Key to GitHub / GitLab

Follow these steps to upload the public ssh key (one with .pub extension) to GitHub or GitLab:

  1. Copy the content from Public SSH Key. The SSH key file has .pub extension.

  2. If the account is related to Github, go to and click on the New SSH Key button.
    If the account is related to GitLab, go to

  3. Give some Title/Label to the key.

  4. If asked for the Key Type, select Authentication Key.

  5. Paste the copied content in the Key textbox.

  6. Click on Add Key button.

Configure the ssh-config file to use the ssh-key

Now, add the path of the Private SSH Key file for the value of IdentityFile variable in the ~/.ssh/config file for the correct account.

After following all the 3 steps for all accounts, we created SSH keys for each account, uploaded public SSH keys to the corresponding online VCS account and we have added the location of private SSH keys inside ~/.ssh/config file. The ~/.ssh/config should look like this:

# SSH Configuration for Account1
# John Doe's GitLab Account
Host account1 # ssh -T account1
    User    git
    IdentityFile    ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_johndoe.codeready
    AddKeysToAgent  yes

# SSH Configuration for Account2
# Jack Smith's Github Account
Host account2 # ssh -T account2
    User    git
    IdentityFile    ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_jack-codeready-github
    AddKeysToAgent yes

# SSH Configuration for Account3 (Default Account)
# John Doe's Github Account
Host account3 # ssh -T account3
    User    git
    IdentityFile    ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_john-codeready-github
    AddKeysToAgent yes

Now, let's test if the SSH configuration is working or not.

Run the following command to authenticate Account 1 :

ssh -T account1

If it is the first time connecting to this account, it will ask for confirmation, type yes and press Enter.

When asked for a passphrase, enter the passphrase created while generating the corresponding ssh keys.

Then, it will show a message that you are authenticated using ssh.

Thus, we can connect to the git accounts using the correct ssh keys. It's time to configure GPG keys so our commits are signed correctly. Let's do that now.

Generate and Configure GPG Keys

For each account, do the following to generate, upload and configure the GPG key.

Generate GPG Key

  1. Open Terminal / Git Bash.

  2. Run the following command:

     gpg --full-generate-key
  3. At the prompt, specify the kind of key you want. Type 1 and press Enter to accept the default.

  4. When asked for the length of the key, specify 4096.

  5. Enter the length of time for which the key should be valid. If you don't want the key to expire, type 0 and press Enter.

  6. When asked for confirmation, specify y.

  7. When asked, enter your real name.

  8. Then enter the email address related to the account.

  9. Then you need to add a comment to the GPG key. Add something specific to the account so that later you can recall the purpose of the key. For instance, I have specified John Doe - GitLab Account as a comment for Account 1.

  10. Type a secure passphrase (and re-type it).

  11. Run the following command to list the GPG keys:

    gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format=long

    The output will be similar to the following (You may have more than one key).

    sec   rsa4096/75BDED420C522BEB 2022-12-22 [SC]
    uid                 [ultimate] John Doe (John Doe - GitLab Account) <>
    ssb   rsa4096/08310F3B00DB38D1 2022-12-22 [E]
  12. Copy the long form of the GPG key id that you want to use (The comment related to the key can be useful to recognize the key). In the above example, the GPG key Id is 75BDED420C522BEB.

  13. Run the following command to get the Public GPG key for the above id (Replace the id with your id):

    gpg --armor --export 75BDED420C522BEB # Prints the GPG key ID, in ASCII armor format

    The output will be similar to the following:

    # Some more stuff

    Copy the whole output, which is your Public GPG key.

Upload Public GPG Key to Account

For the GitHub account, go to and click on the New GPG Key button.

For the GitLab account, go to

Paste the public GPG key in the text box and click on the Add Key button.

Update git config file with Id of GPG key

Paste the id of the GPG key (75BDED420C522BEB in this case) as the value of the signingKey variable in the appropriate git config file, which we created earlier. In this case, since this is for Account 1. So, I will put it in the ~/.gitconfig.projects file.

After the above steps, below are the 3 updated config files:


# ~/.gitconfig
######### Common and Default Configuration for Git #########

# Congiguration for default user (Account 3, in this scenario)
# to be used by git
    # Personal name of the git user
    name = John Doe

    # Email Address of the git user
    email =

    # Signing key to sign the commits by this user
    signingKey = FF650CD14C619C34

# Configuration related to Commits
    # Since, gpgsign = true, git will always sign the commits
    # Otherwise, whenever we want to sign the commits, we need
    # to use "-S" flag while commiting. Ex -
    # git commit -S -m "Commit Message"
    # And, often we forget to include this flag and that leads
    # to a lot of extra work
    gpgsign = true

# This condition check if the current git directory
# is inside "~/Projects/" path
[includeIf "gitdir:~/Projects/"]
    # In that case, we also use the configurations specified
    # in "~/.gitconfig.projects" file.
    # In "~/.gitconfig.projects" file, we can add new config values
    # or can updated the existing config values
    path = ~/.gitconfig.projects

[includeIf "gitdir:~/Development/"]
    path = ~/.gitconfig.development


# ~/.gitconfig.projects
######### Configuration for Account1 #########

# Congiguration for Account1 to be used by git when we are inside
# "~/Projects/" repository
    # Personal name of the git user
    name = John Doe

    # Email Address of the git user
    email =

    # Signing key to sign the commits by this user
    signingKey = 75BDED420C522BEB


# ~/.gitconfig.development
######### Configuration for Account2 #########

# Congiguration for Account2 to be used by git when we are inside
# "~/Development/" repository
    # Personal name of the git user
    name = Jack Smith

    # Email Address of the git user
    email =

    # Signing key to sign the commits by this user
    signingKey = C8A49A252EF556F7

How to use it?

If you create any git repository inside Projects directory, Git will automatically pick the configurations for Account 1 and so on. You can also clone repositories for Account1 inside Projects repository using the below command:

git clone account1:johndoe.codeready/hello-gitlab.git

And whenever you commit any changes, Git will ask for the passphrase for the GPG key and it will sign the commits with the correct GPG key based on which directory you are in.

That's it for this article. It is a long one, but it can save you a lot of time later if you work on multiple projects involving different accounts on a single machine. You don't need to change configurations for Git whenever you change the project/directory.